Monday, May 23, 2011


DanceGavinDance, what an odd band name, but what a great band. Formed from the disbannedment of a few bands to make this wonderful band of terrific musicians. They are based out of Sacramento, California and formed in 2005. They are classified under the "post-hardcore" genre lable, but i hate labling bands, they are all metal to me and have all the same roots if you think about it. Anyways, DGD consists of lead man Jonny Craig, Sean O' Sullivan on the guitar, Matt Mingus on the drums, Eric Lodge on the bass and Jon Mess doing the screamed vocals. Throughtout their time together they have gone through many member changes. Which can be seen on the chart below.

Whatever I Say Is Royal OceanDowntown Battle MountainDance Gavin DanceHappinessDowntown Battle Mountain 2
Will Swan
(guitars, screams in 'Happiness,' raps)
Red XNRed XNRed XNGreen tickYGreen tickY
Matt Mingus (drums)Green tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
Jon Mess (screamed vocals)Green tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYRed XNGreen tickY
Eric Lodge (bass)Green tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYRed XNGreen tickY
Jonny Craig (clean vocals)Green tickYGreen tickYRed XNRed XNGreen tickY
Sean O'Sullivan (guitar)Green tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYRed XNRed XN
Zachary Garren (guitar)Red XNRed XNGreen tickYGreen tickYRed XN
Kurt Travis (clean vocals)Red XNRed XNGreen tickYGreen tickYRed XN
Jason Ellis (bass)Red XNRed XNRed XNGreen tickYRed XN

But for their new album Downtown Battle Mountain 2 they have returned to their original line-up except for guitar phenom Will Swan.

Soon after their forming, they quickly began to write their EP "Whatever I Say Is Royal Ocean" it was self-produced and released in 2005. Later in 2006 they were picked up by Rise records and they re-released the EP.

They soon returned to the studio to start their first full-lenght album "Downtown Battle Mountain" with the same line-up. Conflicts arose within the band mates, Sean O'Sullivan decided to leave the band because of conflicts with Jonny Craig and Matt Mingus. Reportedly Matt Mignus urinated on Sean during a cross-country tour, and Jonny was said to be antagonizing Sean about his religious beliefs, seeing he was the only christian in the band.  Later Jonny left the band due to personal conflicts with the rest of the band. And the serach began for a new lead singer. The band held tryouts and Kurt Travis formerly of Five Minute Ride, O! The Joy, and No Not Constant became the band's new lead vocalist.

Going into 2008, the band returned to the studio to work on their self titled album. But before the album was released and after it was recorded, the orignal two members Jonathan Mess and Eric Lodge had left the band. Unlike the others they left on a good note.

In 2009 they again returned the the studio to record the ablum "Happines" which came out far different then their other albums. A lot less screaming vocals were present on this album and it was more experimental rock than their traditional post-hardcore sound. They then emabarked on a tour with  Emarosa, Closure in Moscow, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and others in support of the album.

The band then decided to venture back into the studio to start recording Downtown Battle Mountain 2. But the line-up that was present for the last two albums would all leave the band and the original DanceGavinDance returned. Jonny Craig, Jon Mess, Eric Lodge and Will swan who was present on the album Happiness. Jonny Craig also stated in an interview that the "original guitarist" would join them in some shows, meaning Sean O'Sullivan. The origianl guys from DanceGavinDance would finish up working on the new album and it would be released in March, 2011. Jonny Craig entered himself into detox because of some on-going drug problems but all tour dates set for the band would remain the same. He would return the band and they continued their tour.

Out of every band that iv reviewed in this blog, id say this is one of the most toned down band. Nothing like some of the crazy heavy bands I like. Its a good change with to listen to this band with more of the clean vocals then screamed and the guitars are more laid back. This band still has its aspects of heaviness, but defineantly a change. Go check them out! You wont be disapointed!